The Stories Behind Your Family Recipes

Virtual Story Writing Workshop Package

One of the saddest sentences I know is ‘I wish I had asked my mother about that.’ Or my father. Or my grandmother. Or my grandfather.’

— William Zinsser


Let Melissa work with you, your family, or a group of friends using her 7 Step Powerful Personal Story Process to help you begin preserving your past for future generations. 

This full package includes 3 hour virtual workshop hosted on Zoom to accommodate family from all locations, 3 story templates to begin the story writing process, email support during the writing process, as well as a recorded video revision review of drafts ahead of creating final copy. Melissa will walk you and your family through her signature 7 steps to Powerful Personal Stories.

This package is a wonderful way to preserve family memories, recipes, and stories. We all have unique perspectives on “what really happened.” Gather your writing team and create a shared treasure!

Work with loved ones to collect the most important or memorable family recipes and guide through the stories behind them like:

How did they come upon the recipe?

Who shared it with them?

Are there memories of the process of making the recipe? Alone? With others?

What’s included:

The package includes 3 separate 1 hour Virtual Meetings (Zoom)

Call 1: Introduce the process, purpose, and plan

We review the 7 seven step Powerful Personal Stories writing process.

Define your vision for the project and final product.

Melissa will share some ideas of prompts to guide the process.

Assignment (ahead of call 2):

You and family begin collecting recipes (Hand written on cards or paper).

We develop a step by step plan to guide you through the process including a timeline and target end date.

Call 2: Let’s Get Started Writing Your Stories

We walk through working on one recipe story together & Melissa sets you up for success.

Assignment (ahead of call 3):

You and your loved ones work through the remaining recipe stories.

Draft of stories submitted and Melissa will prepare a video of revision suggestions

using “The Top 10 Items to Include When Documenting Your Powerful Personal Stories.”

You choose what to use or not use and complete your final drafts.

Call 3: Celebration and Prepare for Sharing

Share favorite parts, challenges, wins, etc. (Cherishing the process)

Discuss how you will produce final copies. What format?

How will you create a special experience to share them with family?

Melissa will be available via email for any questions or support around the writing process.

Total package Cost - $350 $297