The Art of Embracing Change: Preserving Our Past in Evolving Traditions

The Art of Embracing Change: Preserving Our Past in Evolving Traditions

I acknowledge that traditions around the holidays can bring up a lot of feelings.

So, if your holidays are going to be different in some way, then this episode is for you.

Maybe you’ve lost someone, or you’ve moved, had a big life change, or like me, someone you love is far away - then this blog post is for you!

Today we are looking at how we can bridge the past and the present with our family traditions. We all have memories and traditions that are sensitive and it is always hard when those traditions need to shift or change. I’ve had to do this many times in my life. It’s never easy, but new traditions can be special as we bridge the old and new.

Shared Stories, Unique Perspectives: A Holiday Trip Down Memory Lane with Allison & Todd

Shared Stories, Unique Perspectives: A Holiday Trip Down Memory Lane with Allison & Todd

How often do you reflect on the shared events of your past?

Do you ever consider how your perspective on these memories might differ from others who were there?

On the latest podcast episode, I delve into this concept, inviting listeners to join us as we journey down memory lane.

In the episode, we share the joy and nostalgia of our cherished family tradition - Christmas shopping at Robinson's Five and Dime. The tradition involves my siblings, Allison, Todd, and myself, as we each share our distinct memories and perspectives of this annual event. This practice underlines the fascinating concept of perspective and how it shapes our storytelling.

Wisdom in Whiskers: Unearthing Life Lessons through Animal Companionship with Helen Kosinski

Wisdom in Whiskers: Unearthing Life Lessons through Animal Companionship with Helen Kosinski

Has your life been touched by the wisdom of an animal?

In a recent episode of The Preserve Your Past Podcast, I had the privilege of hosting Helen Kosinski, a business coach, animal communicator, and former financial services professional. We explored the courageous decision Helen made to transition from the corporate world to a fulfilling career inspired by her love for animals and desire to help others.

October is Family History Month: Valuable Resources and Tools for Embarking on Your Genealogy Journey

Happy Family History Month!

In this post I share some resources that I recommend to get you started or help you become more proficient and organized while researching your past. A very big piece of who we are is rooted in the stories and life experiences of those who came before us, and looking further at our family history helps us to learn more about ourselves.

10 Quotes to Motivate You with Writing Your Family Stories

One of my favorite items to use as a writing prompt is a really juicy quote.  I am very grateful that quotes don’t take up much space in my closet or under my bed, because the truth is I am quite the collector.  Some might say I am out of control, but I disagree. There is nothing like reading a few words or sentences set between quotation marks, that speak straight to your heart.  And while they may be removed from a larger piece of work, a really good quote can stand on its own. I liken them to poetry.  Quotes are like little boosts of wisdom and inspiration. 

Send-Offs, So-Longs, and See-You-Soons: Documenting Your Goodbye Stories

Send-Offs, So-Longs, and See-You-Soons: Documenting Your Goodbye Stories

September is a universal time of transitions. This post is dedicated to all of those who are sending children and loved-ones off on their next stage of life. Whether we are talking about going back to school or away to the military or whether it is for one day, one week, or even two years we all have our own “so-long-for-now” stories to tell.

Preserving Personal and Family Narratives: We All Can be Storytellers

Preserving Personal and Family Narratives: We All Can be Storytellers

Throughout my time speaking with people about my mission to help others “preserve their past through powerful personal stories.”  I have had a lot of people assume that this topic was mostly for an older family member, usually a mother or grandmother who was collecting the family’s history.

I am here today to break this assumption and let you know why even if you do not fit into that group, you should be considering beginning to write your stories.

So who should be writing their stories?