Wisdom in Whiskers: Unearthing Life Lessons through Animal Companionship with Helen Kosinski

Has your life been touched by the wisdom of an animal?

In a recent episode of The Preserve Your Past Podcast, I had the privilege of hosting Helen Kosinski, a business coach, animal communicator, and former financial services professional. We explored the courageous decision Helen made to transition from the corporate world to a fulfilling career inspired by her love for animals and desire to help others.

Helen's journey illustrates the concept of golden handcuffs in the corporate world, a metaphorical restraint that can hinder individuals from pursuing their authentic purpose. Through her story, we highlight the importance of listening to your inner voice and intuition to discover your true path.

A significant part of our conversation focused on the profound bond we share with our animal companions. Helen, as a certified equine guided educator, provided remarkable insights into the intuitive abilities of horses. She explained how these magnificent creatures could be influential coaching partners, highlighting a touching story of a horse helping a woman make a life-altering decision.

We also discussed the enriching influence pets have on our lives, the critical role they play in our storytelling, and the importance of preserving their tales for future generations. These stories aren't merely heartwarming anecdotes; they are a testament to the mutual support, love, and life lessons our pets provide.

Animals inspire our creativity, provide comfort in our grief, and teach us valuable life lessons. Helen shared three writing prompts that can help get your creative juices flowing:

How did an animal help to shape your life and what's important for others to know about that?

What stories can you share about your pets that influenced the course of your life?

What lessons did your pet help you learn (love, support, caring, boundaries)? How did they do this? Was there a particular behavior or an experience that you had when you knew this was what they were trying to do.

Our discussion also delved into the necessity of processing pet loss. This is a poignant part of our conversation, acknowledging the profound impact of pet loss on our lives. Losing a pet can leave a significant hole in our lives, given the daily interaction and mutual understanding we share with our furry friends.

In closing, our conversation with Helen highlighted the extraordinary power and wisdom of our animal companions. Their influence on our lives, their legacy, and how they shape our personal narratives are stories worth preserving. Our hope is that by the end of our chat, you'll be contemplating the profound impact your furry friends have on your life, their legacy, and how they shape your personal narratives.

To listen to the episode head over to The Preserve Your Past Podcast here.

To learn more about Helen you can go to https://helenkosinski.com/.