Your Mother's Story is "Where Yours Begins"

Mom and Auntie Kristin removing splinter from my foot.

Mom and Auntie Kristin tending to a splinter.

But behind all your stories, is your mother’s story, for hers is where yours begins.

-Mitch Album

Happy Mothers’ day to all of the moms out there! The new moms, the in the trenches moms, the empty nester moms, the moms who have experienced child loss, and those of us who can’t hug our moms today!

In honor of Mother’s Day I am inviting you to reflect on your mother’s stories and the impact they have had on your own life. I know my mom’s story has had a huge impact on who I am and how I live my life.

My mom knew how to find the faith, magic and joy in everyday life. As a child I never knew all of the challenges my mom had faced throughout her life. I had no idea how much her mindset had helped her to live her short life so fully and I certainly had no idea how it would help me to get through my darkest hours.

So today’s blog offers a few prompts for stories you can write in honor of your mother. These can be to share with her as a gift or gathered among other stories to share with future generations or current loved ones.

  • Write out stories your mother has shared with you about her childhood or early life before you.

  • Write about your earliest memories you have of your mother. Try to add any sensory details you can remember.

  • Write a story of a cherished moment or time with your mother that you never want to forget. It can be an experience, a conversation, or even something you observed.

  • Write about a lesson or piece of advice your mother passed along and a time it came in handy in your life.

  • Write a detailed description of your mom. Include her physical, emotional, and spiritual features that display her true essence as closely as possible to pass along to the future. What were her beliefs, fears, and views about life? Remember to use all of your senses and other literary devices like similes and metaphors to clearly paint the picture,

  • Chose a photograph of your mother and use this as a prompt for your writing. What is the story behind the photo.

  • If you have lost your mother, write a letter to her sharing any of the previous topics or just what you wish she knew about you now.

  • As another option to a short story, use lists to write about your mother. These are impactful on their own, but can also be used as story starters in the future. Include things like her favorite songs, foods, hobbies, sayings.

Be creative with your stories and feel free to combine or build off an idea given. Again these can be written as gifts for your mother or as memories to share with family to preserve her memory and pass along to future generations.

If you’d like to continue the conversation and hear a few examples of stories using these prompts, be sure to head to The Preserve Your Past Podcast!

And if you’d like to share your own stories please direct message or tag me on Facebook or Instagram @melissaloveshistory or comment below!